Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that provides secure authentication for client-server applications over potentially insecure networks. It was developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in the 1980s and has become a widely used authentication mechanism in many operating systems, including Windows.
Here are the key components and how Kerberos works:
1. Client: The client is the entity requesting access to a service or resource.
2. Server: The server is the entity providing the service or hosting the resource.
3. Key Distribution Center (KDC): The KDC is a trusted third-party system that acts as the authentication server. It consists of two components:
a. Authentication Server (AS): The AS verifies the client's identity and issues a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) if the client is authenticated.
b. Ticket Granting Server (TGS): The TGS issues service tickets to clients who possess a valid TGT. The service ticket is used by the client to request access to a specific service.
The Kerberos authentication process involves the following steps:
1. Authentication Phase:
a. The client sends a request to the AS for a TGT.
b. The AS verifies the client's identity, encrypts a TGT using the client's password, and sends it back to the client.
c. The client receives the TGT and stores it securely.
2. Ticket Granting Phase:
a. The client sends a request to the TGS for a service ticket to access a particular service.
b. The client presents the TGT obtained in the previous step as proof of authentication.
c. The TGS verifies the TGT's authenticity and issues a service ticket encrypted with the client's session key.
d. The client receives the service ticket and stores it securely.
3. Service Access Phase:
a. The client sends the service ticket to the server providing the desired service, along with a timestamp and other necessary information.
b. The server uses its shared secret key with the KDC to decrypt the service ticket.
c. The server verifies the ticket's authenticity, checks the client's authorization, and grants access to the requested service if all checks pass.
d. The server generates a session key for further communication with the client, encrypts it with the client's session key, and sends it to the client.
e. The client receives the session key, decrypts it using its session key, and securely stores it for future communication with the server.
Kerberos provides strong security by using symmetric key cryptography, mutual authentication between the client and server, and the use of tickets to avoid sending passwords over the network. It helps prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and impersonation attacks, enhancing the overall security of network communication and user authentication.